Thank you.
You've just requested a deposit to the Silverback vault. Cheers.
If we have corresponded with you and quoted your deposit value, you're good to go. If not, we need to chat, and we'll be in touch soon.
Whatever your reason for storing away your precious metal...THANK YOU.
The next action required... visit the STORE TO ORDER YOUR VAULTED ITEMSOUR WEBSITE BLOG - the news you need
Please come and visit the BLOG and subscribe, to be kept up to date with all the news and special offers.THE GRIFFINS vendor group
We're seeking every day vendors...YOU...if you're willing to be paid in silver and gold for your services.
Come and learn about the GRIFFINS group, and our plans to support, promote and help you do business in that community.
For free, we'll list your service to be purchased by the public in Australian dollars and we'll pay you in Silver and Gold on their behalf.